Thursday, February 23, 2006

Proud to be Iranian?

I know Iran has "western media" for crust's sake. I know that it doesn't make a good impression on people (no matter how much they are politically correct) to say that you are Iranian. But I say it. And I still feel proud when I say it. I hope I can continue to be proud. Every thing seems to change so drastically regarding Iran's situation in the world. I can't believe that this unfavorable change is happening right in front of my eyes and I can't do anything about it. It's like going bankrupted or falling into a serious illness. It happens all at once and you can't do anything about it.


Anonymous said...

سلام خانم کاشی ! با اینکه چند سال از آخرین برخوردمان در روزنامه ی آزاد می گذرد ، هنوز شما را درست و دقیق یادم هست . انگار جلای وطن کرده اید و اینجا نیستید دیگر . لینک وبلاگ تان را در وبلاگ علیرضا معتمدی دیدم و حیفم آمد که به احترام گذشته سلامی و تبریک سال نویی نگویم .هر کجا که هستید موفق و سربلند باشید !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

salam eftekhar mikonid ya na sale noye irani mobarak

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing to be a proud Iranian. You come from a great country with thousands of years of history and tradition. I just wish we had a little more peace and friendship between us.
Proud Jew